Why Minimalism Shouldn't Be Just Your 'New Year's Resolution'
With a new year comes a new promise to become a better version of ourselves. Whether it means getting fitter, working harder or taking up a new hobby, this year we believe that minimalism should be your 'new you'.
We have put together a little list of the things that we think will bring you one step closer to a minimal way of living...
Quality Not Quantity
It may be old school, but quality really should be your priority over quantity. Not only does it save you money, space and time but it means that you are usually supporting businesses who have worked hard in making something that really will last a lifetime.
Declutter - Physically and Digitally
We all know that a good clear out makes us feel lighter, fresher and generally better about ourselves but what about a digital declutter? As a generation who is attached to our smart phones and with their storage capacity becoming larger than our homes it's good to have a clear out of all those emails you have been meaning to read or those 50 photos of avocado on toast you have been meaning to edit.
Buy Less
Yep we love to buy things. Things to make us feel better, look better, smell better, live better, but do we really need these 'things'? Do they really benefit the way we live our lives, did we live okay without them before we spent £99 on a new pastel pink throw? - yeah probably.
Simplify your wardrobe, your bag, your meals, your schedule. Just keep things simple and get back to enjoying the basics.